Hey remember?
.............Nah not really,
Hmmmm um yea no

In today’s world it is harder than ever to get and keep a person’s attention. This makes giving a phenomenal customer experience seem like mission impossible. Did you know that a gold fish has an attention span of 9 seconds? You may laugh and think who cares they are low brain functioning creatures…… until you find out the average person has an attention span of only 8 seconds. Hell 7% of us even forget our own birthdays, on top of only taking 4.4 seconds per every 100 words. Nervous? Wondering how you are going to communicate effectively? We aren’t, good thing we have an Ethan Hunt way of thinking.

You Need To Understand

As competition goes up, loyalty goes down. People will not think twice about jumping over your social content to go right to an already established well branded competitor. Now that the social media era has exploded and is making the market even more competitive we have all kinds of things that thrown in our faces and crammed down our throats, banners, pop-ups, flyers, full on ad commercials. I am not sure about you but personally I feel it disrupts my engagement and nothing makes me madder then going to click an option and an ad pops up right where you started to click. We understand that the engager will not only ignore that but ignore it for something your competitor is offering.

Want to win the war without being annoying? We want you to win also and you’ll do it with conversational quality, compelling and specific content that is organically delivered.

Go ahead and dust off your shoulders, relax and kick back.

What do you want? A better sense of customer loyalty? Better brand recognition? Or even just to learn how to push more products. We got this. At RMB, we put the proper strategies in place so that we can take the little ideas and turn them into the BIG PICTURE by engaging appropriately across the right platforms of social media in creative ways. I personally know it can be very unnerving when there are lots of moving components to assure THE MACHINE’s success of working that is why we work side by side to create comprehensive and highly detailed marketing strategies that are very specific and tactical so that success can be measured.